Community Safety Workshop
Our community has spoken!
A community safety workshop was held in Whittlesea in late 2017 with residents identifying the top local safety priorities that matter the most to them.
If you completed a survey via engage Victoria or were part of the sixty residents that shared your insights at the community forum about community safety issues in Whittlesea; thank you for your involvement.
The top three priorities raised by your local community:
- Burglary and theft
- Gendered violence
- Alcohol and drug issues amongst youth
The latest crime statistics for Whittlesea reveal a positive trend across the community with a drop in the number of incidents of burglary, aggravated burglary and theft of and from motor vehicles. In the past 12 months, there was a 45.1 per cent drop in theft of motor vehicles and a 28.5 percent drop in the number of burglary/break and enter incidents. Victoria’s Crime Statistics Agency played an important role at the Whittlesea forum talking to people about the crime statistics in their community and are a key partner in this project.
As part of the next phase of the Community Safety Networks project, we will be looking closely at the information gathered from the forum and online survey and will feed your insights into the Whittlesea local community safety committee, who will oversee the delivery of crime prevention projects in your community.
This information may also be used to help inform local operational policing priorities as well as community safety and crime prevention activities overseen by project partners, Neighbourhood Watch and Crime Stoppers.
On behalf of the Whittlesea Police thank you once again for attending our forum and/or completing the Engage Victoria Survey.
If you have any questions or want to contribute more please feel free to contact the Whittlesea Police at directly.
Whittlesea Police Service Area