Gwen Rosengren -Hearing loss

At the March morning tea, the guest speaker was Gwen Rosengren. She holds qualifications in deaf education and educational administration. She has experience as a teacher of deaf children and was Principal of Glendonald School for Deaf Children from 1973 to 1991. During this time the school engaged in extensive curriculum development in areas of auditory, speech and language development for deaf students. Gwen then pursued a career in adult education, work placement, and training before working as a Hearing Advisor at Better Hearing Australia (Victoria).

Hearing loss is prevalent in our society and more and more people are becoming deaf. One contributing factor is the ageing society; we’re living longer. hearing loss affects our communication and some tend to withdraw and do not socialise. It can become a big problem for some, but with help of new technology, we can do something about it. Sometime this year we hope to engage Gwen with her vast knowledge to put some workshops on our program. This will provide understanding, information and advice for the management of hearing loss.