Professor Bear’s Journal

Thursday, 2nd March, 2017

How busy my life has become since I became a member of Whittlesea U3A.  I have met so many friendly people who have made me feel most welcome as well as attending many diverse classes that have been of great interest. This morning, I am back at the Lalor Senior Citizens Centre in May Road, to join the Italian Conversation Class. I have been told that this must be a fun class: if the amount of laughter to be heard during class is anything to go by. Being a bit nervous, I took a deep breath and introduced myself to Antonio, the Tutor, and the students.

 “Buongiorno professore e gli studenti.  Mi chiamo professore Orso”.
“Good morning Professor and students.  My name is Professor Bear”

At the end of the class I can say that this has indeed been a “learning with fun” experience and I have many new words to add to my vocabulary. I have been told on Tuesday afternoon (7th), I will be at the Italian Self-help class where I will be brushing up on my grammar.  Oh dear!  grammar was never my strong point, but I am told it is quite a small group very relaxed and friendly, so I will be okay.  I am sure my Italian friend, Edoardo (Teddy), will be very impressed by my efforts.

In the afternoon, I was taken to the Lalor Bowling Club where I watched four Clubs playing off in the semi-finals of the Division of their Grade. Although I know nothing about the rules of the game, it was so relaxing just to be sitting down on such a pleasant day, chatting to the supporters of the teams and eating my toasted ham, cheese and tomato sandwich. A hot chocolate was my drink of choice.  Yes, I did create quite a bit of interest.

On Friday evening, I watched a DVD of the movie “Titanic”.  I was told the movie had won many Academy Awards. In the scene where Rose and Jack are standing on the railing at the bow of the ship, I imagined myself being held in front of Rose, arms outstretched, calling out  “I’m King of the World”.  What a great feeling! 

I think I might join Pam’s Friday movie night. How about it Pam?

On Saturday, I was again part of birthday celebrations – more cake and chocolates. I’m getting fat!!

I spent, a quiet weekend amongst the genealogy files, and this started me thinking about my own background. What is the story of my family?  I was born where? There are a lot of Bears around, where do I fit in? I think I will join the Family History Group and start researching.

Time to pack my belongings and be prepared for my part in WU3A’s monthly Morning Tea this Monday.