Congratulations Joy Chatfield Whittlesea Citizen of the Year

Joy Chatfield, long time Whittlesea U3A member, has been named joint winner of the City of Whittlesea Citizen of the Year Award with Bruce Batten.  Joy was a founding member of Whittlesea U3A and has made significant contributions to this organisation.

The following is an extract from “Now, Then and In Between”

Joy’s involvement in the formation of Whittlesea U3A Inc is something else to add to her list of achievements. In 2001Joy nwas actively involved in forming the Combined Probus Club of Whittlesea when she saw the “ad in the local paper” seeking people interested in forming a U3A. Seeing the need for such a group she joined and was to become one of the first members of Whittlesea U3A. Her receipt number was No5.

Joy became a member of our Steering Committee where she used the experience she had gained from other community activities to assist in drafting the Constitution. She remembers that there was a lot of hard work put in by many people to get the group to a level where the first classes could commence.

With a working background as a Company Director and Social Worker, Joy has put this experience to good use. Her time over the years was spent assisting the community; combined Probus Club of Whittlesea, South Morang/Plenty Valley Emergency Relief, Inner Wheel, Bundoora Kildonan, Whittlesea Community Connections, Norparrin (assisting children with special needs) and RMIT Resist Ageing; she is a valued member of Whittlesea U3A. Joy has also been involved with 2 choirs, Whittlesea Township and Singers without Borders.

With such a community involvement it stands to reason that Joy has received many awards and medals reflecting her wonderful work. A class Joy has enrolled in was Computers, with Rolfe Peake as a tutor. She is now happily using her computer skills and thoroughly enjoying it. The Ancient History Class is another of her highlights of the early days of Whittlesea U3A. 

Joy is a valued member of the U3A walk and talk group.


The Leader Community Newspaper lists Joys’ wonderful achievements – click here for  the newspaper article.