everyone participates…
Whittlesea U3A Quilted Banner
Commenced 2008 and completed 2009
This U3A quilted banner was designed and put together by Whittlesea U3A members and families showing the ever-changing lifestyle of Seniors in the City of Whittlesea. The banner depicts examples of the many classes available in 2008 against a background of rolling hills, farmlands and river gums which defined the City of Whittlesea in the past.
During Seniors Week at Federation Square in October 2008 Whittlesea U3A Inc. as well as many other U3A groups participated and showcased U3A’s in Victoria.
Realising at Whittlesea we did not have a banner to represent Whittlesea U3A unlike other U3A groups, the Busy Fingers class, Judith Kranjcic, Mary Renshaw, Pam Hall, Wendy Dunstan and Barbara Jackson created a quilted banner.
The banner was sewn together by Judith Kranjcic and the machine embroidery by Pam Hall.
This was achieved by giving seventeen squares of green fabric to interested members. They were asked to create a symbolic representation of the classes they attended in 2008. These blocks were done in a variety of styles from photography to cross-stitch, embroidery and artwork.
The background fabric was chosen to depict our concept of the City of Whittlesea which includes the blue sky, the mountains of Kinglake, the surrounding hills and our wonderful River Gums. The blue writing and yellow borders representing Whittlesea U3A colours.
At the bottom of the quilt all other classes available in 2008 were shown and on another block and at the bottom the names of all members and volunteers who gave their time to this project.
- Shirley Allen
- Merilyn Numa
- William Yeo
- Nanette Philip
- Heather Reimers
- Betty Campbell
- Barbara Jackson
- Norma Foot
- Hilde Mueller
- Pam Rogers
- Joyce Reid
- Judith Kranjcic
- Leonie Swift
- Helen Campbell
- Pam Hall
- Pat Domigan
- Mary Renshaw
- Christine Davis
- Wendy Dunstan
- Donna Sturrock