The following is a letter from the President Whittlesea U3A to all members
Dear Fellow Members,
I wish to formally advise you that I will be standing down from the position of “ President “of Whittlesea U3A Inc. after 7 years as its leader, at the 2016 Whittlesea U3A Inc. Annual General Meeting in late August.
I appreciate the fact that several Committee Members and many general members have asked me to stay on, however I feel it’s time for me to move on and to give someone else a go, knowing that I have achieved most of the objectives I set myself on first becoming President of WU3A.
I believe that during the past 7 years I and the Committee have been very successful in managing the business of Whittlesea U3A Inc. which has seen us, through good governance and good business practises grow from a little socially orientated U3A into a mid-size professionally run U3A; with over 638 members (as of December 2015) and getting bigger.
In fact we are now considered the most progressive & biggest U3A in the Northern Region and we are currently putting together a Strategic Plan for the years 2017-2020 to cater for the anticipated continual growth that we have forecast, which could see WU3A becoming one of the Bigger U3A’s in the state of Victoria, some years down the track.
So I feel I am leaving the President’s Role with this organisation in very good shape, i.e. Financially Sound, Ever Increasing Membership, A record number of Classes & Activities, Great set of Tutors & Leaders and a group of experienced operators on the Committee.
Of Course the Search is now on to find a suitably qualified replacement President ASAP to understudy me for a few months and then to lead this organisation through the next phase of its development, when he or she takes over the reins in late August 2016.
Whilst there are some existing Committee Members who are very interested in the position and they will certainly be considered, it has been decided that we would also go out to the general membership with this prospecting letter to see if we can unearth any additional talent that we may have at our disposal amongst our 600 plus members.
Ideally the person applying for the President’s Position.
Should have had Extensive Management Experience in a medium to large organisation. Or has run a successful business enterprise.
Preferably have formal academic qualifications and experience in the U3A Movement.
Be a Good Leader, with excellent organisational skills and be a good time manager.
Be able to handle Conflict and make Decisions and stick to them.
Be able to get on with all levels of people and all age groups.
Be a good Public Speaker and Presenter & be a good oral and written Communicator.
Be a visionary in leading WU3A Inc. into the future.
Be a good judge of people in the recruitment of suitable people for Committee duties.
Be able to put together financial submissions and present them to Council & businesses.
Be able to professionally represent WU3A at the highest Council and Government levels.
Be fully committed to the U3A Movement and to providing the Senior Citizens of the City Of Whittlesea with affordable enjoyable activities.
If you think you may have the necessary qualifications & experience to stand for the Presidency I would like to hear from you, so please give me a ring on 0409979089 or email me on and we can get together for a chat.
A Presidential Sub Committee will ultimately recommend the most suitable candidates that best meet the requisite criteria to stand for election.
As per our constitution The President will ultimately need to be elected by the members and if more than one suitable candidate decides to stand it may be necessary to go to an election.
In order to have things happen in an orderly fashion I need to have any potential expressions of interest to hand by no later than April 16th 2016, as we need the incumbent to be understudying the existing President before the beginning of May if possible.
I look forward to hearing from any interested members!
In closing I want to express my intention of continuing my involvement with Whittlesea U3A Inc. even after I step down from The Presidency as I strongly support this great organisation.
Yours Sincerely,
Joseph P Felice
President –Whittlesea U3A Inc.