
For those of you who haven’t heard the news our lockdown has been extended until Thursday 2nd September at 23.59. There is also a curfew placed on households similar to what we had last year. The curfew is between 21.00 to 05.00.

In light of this extension, included below are all the ZOOM classes which have vacancies, the time, duration and date of the class. Should you wish to enrol in these classes you can either do them online or alternately email Natalie Lim and she will enrol you. These ZOOM classes will give you the opportunity to stay in touch with other members. Remember you can use zoom on a PC, tablet, iPad or smart phone.

Also just a reminder that there will be no ZOOM classes this Thursday afternoon (19th August) due to the AGM.

101ONL02 ZOOM Exercises  Ida Tipping11/01/2021Mon13:0014.00Wkly  36
102ONL02 ZOOM Self Help Italian  Wilma Mason12/01/2021Tue12:3014.30Wkly  6
103ONL01 ZOOM Apple iPhone & iPad Self Help  Janice Boswell13/01/2021Wed10:0012.00Wkly  15
103ONL02 ZOOM Apple iPHONE & iPAD  Janice Boswell13/01/2021Wed13:0015.00Wkly  22
103ONL04 ZOOM Reflexology for Health  Maria Veerasamy21/04/2021Wed16:3017.30Fort  16
103ONL06 ZOOM Introduction to Genealogy  Peter Cleary13/01/2021Wed10:0012.00Wkly  10
103ONL07 ZOOM Tai Chi  Teresa Wong13/01/2021Wed9:3011.00Wkly  6
104ONL01 ZOOM Technology-Computers for Seniors  Glen Wall04/02/2021Thu10:3012.30Wkly  8
104ONL03ZOOM Trivia Night  Kathy Lizio04/02/2021Thu19:0021.002ndThu  11
105ONL01 ZOOM Computers Level 1  Peter Rodaughan15/01/2021Fri10:0012.00Wkly  6
105ONL02 ZOOM Social Seniors  Glen Wall15/01/2021Fri11:0013.00Wkly  12
 105ONL03  ZOOM Training for Android, Apple & Zoom  Peter Cleary15/01/2021Fri12:0013.30Wkly  11