Prepare for extreme heat this summer

The Department of Health and Human Services contacted Network Office with advice about preparing for extreme heat this Summer.  Summer is fast approaching and the Bureau of Meteorology is warning of increased odds of warmer than average days, coupled with a very dry landscape and a likely late start to the northern wet season, which give a clear indication that we are likely to see more heatwaves than previously.

The health stress from extreme heat and heatwaves may result in death during a heat event but in many cases, this can occur well after it has passed. People with pre-existing or contributing health conditions are particularly vulnerable but extreme heat and heatwaves can affect anybody.

Unlike other extreme weather events such as tornadoes, floods, cyclones or severe thunderstorms that create a lot of media attention, heatwaves tend not to be reported in the media to the same extent. Research has shown that heatwaves can increase health problems dramatically. By being prepared for heatwaves people, especially the vulnerable, can take precautions in advance. Preparation helps those who work outside, those planning travel and those attending or participating in outdoor events.

You can order the Department of Health and Human Services’ Survive the Heat communication resources at no cost using the online order form. Resources include posters, brochures, flyers and fact sheets and are available for free via our online order form.

To subscribe to receive heat health alerts and other emergency advice go to:

You can also remain informed of forecast extreme heat by monitoring the Bureau of Meteorology local 7-day forecast and the Bureau of Meteorology Heatwave Service for Australia.

If you have further questions on heat health please email

 Photo by NOAA on Unsplash