Who would have thought we would ever experience a global lock-down, be instructed to social distance, be given stay-at-home orders, and be constantly barraged by mainstream media that only wants to give the worst news possible? Life goes on, but not as we know it
The Covid-19 pandemic has transformed the ways we live, work, socialise, and move around the world. While we struggle to understand the ripple effects of the coronavirus pandemic the trends are centred around the change in lifestyles; for example the rethinking of ambitions, the end of the traditional eight-to-five workday, a re-evaluation of social circles and how businesses may start to look beyond profits. Covid-19 has kept most of the world in their homes. It has awakened in some of us to the first inkling of community in a long while. We feel the absence of touch even more acutely and are gravitating toward shared experiences.
Whittlesea U3A Motto: “Sharing of skills and knowledge”
As we look to the future for Whittlesea U3A, in 2021 we need to view things from a fresh new perspective, therefore the theme for 2021 would be;
“Facilitation an inclusive organisation that engages our members in a Sharing and Learning environment enabled by technology”
The 2021 program is a mix of popular continuing courses and activities with the addition of new ones, including physical adventures both in and outdoors; art, crafts, photography, discussion groups, languages, cultural studies, technology (IT), literature and music.
Whittlesea U3A is offering any members who have been affected by isolating to comply with COVID isolation restrictions activities to assist them reconnect with others.
Information is available by contacting the office on;
9464 1339 or 0404 119 189 or email: info@whittleseau3a.org.au.
As we are at the moment, May Rd Office is the only one that will be open from beginning of February, every Tuesday from 9.45- 4.15 and Thursday from 9.00-9.00pm.