A win for our Carpet Bowls team

Although Whittlesea U3A came last, they won their last game, but what most people didn’t realise is that they won it with the last bowl of the game, and that bowl actually won the cup for Whittlesea.

In the last game between U3A and DV 50+, DV50+ were leading 6 to 4 during the last end when, with the last bowl, U3A carried the jack through, taking the win from DV50+, giving U3A three points to win the game 7 to 6.

If that bowl had not achieved that, DV50+ would have won that game and game scores would have been equal between Whittlesea and Banyule.

It would have then come back to percentages and due to Banyule having the greater consistency, Banyule would have won the cup, so that last bowl from the wooden spooners actually won the cup for Whittlesea.

Go Whittlesea U3A!!!!!