Activities Outdoor Walking with Beth

Why is physical activity important…

It is good for the Mind! Reduces stress and anxiety and improve self confidence.

Whittlesea U3A always has a social aspect to physical activities.

Physical activity makes you look and feel better, gives you more energy, helps you sleep better and helps you relax.

At Whittlesea U3A our activities allow you to meet other members and make friends, we make it fun!

Physical activity is good for our bodies and helps to control weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke.

When you join Whittlesea U3A you have the choice of many outdoor activities, tennis, bike riding, walking short distances or across country, bocce, or you can join our ten pin bowling and golfing group.




Walking with Beth on Wednesday morning.

Beths walking group
U3A Walking with Beth

Every Wednesday morning at 9.30 am Beth and Frank encourage one and all to walk around the walking track at Norris Bank Reserve Bundoora.

This group walk at the pace they enjoy and whilst some circle the park many times others go at their own pace. They always stop for morning tea which is held under the shelter in the park and on special occasions they have a BBQ.

Beth encourages all to join them, walking at your own pace, enjoying the company of others and keeping fit with fun. This park caters for all, on the walk you can see the birds nesting in the hollow trees, the possum boxes, parrots grazing and chat to the community walking their dogs.

  • Norris Bank Parklands is a great place to visit.  Free fun from sunrise to sunset with BBQ’s, Public toilets (including accessible toilet) Car parking and a picnic shelter for all weathers. Location:Norris Bank Parklands, McLeans Rd, Bundoora, Melbourne, VIC
  • Thanks Beth for organising this interesting walk every week.




Enjoying morning tea Beth's U3A Walking group
Enjoying morning tea Beth’s U3A Walking group
Walking and socialising
After the U3A walk

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