Another scam

I wanted to let everyone know that in the last few days I have been the victim of a scam. I wanted to let you know so that this can be communicated through Whittlesea U3A with the endeavour that others don’t get caught like me. I had a recorded Automated message on my voice mail saying that letters had been returned from my mail from ATO and final payment for tax needed to be payed or would be given to Authorities & I would be liable to go to Jail, if this wasn’t settled. I had a small amount of time to ring back and deal with this situation. I rang back and in course of conversation wasn’t to give any card details but go to local supermarket and purchase $300 worth of iTunes cards as gift cards, relay verification code & someone would come the next morning, collect cards & give me tax documentation. I was at work but later on rang my daughter & she said it’s a hoax & go to Mil Park Police where I filed a report. All I wanted to do even though feeling “Stupid” the Policeman said this happens to many people because they are trusting & honest. I don’t want this to happen to any of my friends in Whittlesea U3A. 
Thank you 
Lorraine Holland