We are back at Memorial Hall High Street Epping
Whittlesea U3A would like to invite you to our monthly morning tea on the 1st April 2019 at 10.00 am
We are now back to our old haunt Epping Memorial Hall, High Street Epping, Victoria 3076
New members, who have not been before we really do hope to see you there, come and see what we are all about. Bring a friend if you wish.
Check on classes, or just socialize. We also have Door Prizes and Birthday Gifts. Don’t forget to sign the book at the door on your way in.
Please indicate in the book if your birthday is in this month. Bring along your jigsaws or books to swap or just borrow from our wide selection.
Do you have anything to share or sell, why not bring it along!! Craft items only for sale.