Trip to Geelong

op shop1Shop ’till you drop.

Calling all bargain hunters –

On Wednesday 13th July 2016 Richard and Pam are inviting you to grab a bargain for the next planned excursion.

The coach trip is to the Op shops in Geelong.

Regardless of what you call them Op Shops, Opportunity Shops, Bargain Centres, Thrift Shops or Charity Shops, imagine yourself combing through the racks to find the best of the designer as well as vintage clothing; bric a brac, shoes, books, records, and accessories as there are great places to pick up a bargain.

At the same time you’ll be helping in providing financial support to the main charities and communities. Who knows what hidden treasures you will be able to find.

There is something for everyone

Travel to Geelong stopping for morning tea along the way and enjoy the time in visiting  the Salvation Army and St Vincent De. Paul shops.

After your bargain expedition you will be able to relax at a special destination for lunch

For more information contact Richard 8364 0570  Members only.


July 13th 2016

Leaving Memorial Hall at 9.00 am

Morning tea.

Visiting a variety of different Op Shops and Bargain Centres

Lunch at a surprise destination.

Returning about 5.00 pm

No refunds after booking have been made and all monies to be paid by June 23rd. 2016

Ring Richard on 8364 0570 for more information