Whittlesea Chinese Association’s New Year Celebrations
Message from President Whittlesea U3A
On Saturday 21st February 2015 I attended the Whittlesea Chinese Association’s New Year Celebrations to celebrate The Year Of The Goat at the Epping Memorial Hall as A VIP Guest; together with COW Mayor Cr Ricky Kirkham, Cr. Mary Lalios, Federal MP Andrew Giles and State MPs Lilly D Ambrosio ; Bronwyn Half Penny, CR Jennifer Yang;(Manningham) plus several other COW Community Leaders and a large number of COW residents of all nationalities. |
We were hosted by President Albert Yew and Vice President Regina Leung-Huning and treated to a specular display of Chinese Dancing, Singing, & Colourful Costumes, by the Whittlesea Chinese Association members who performed on the day. |
The highlight was the arrival of the Central Victorian Lion Dance Troupe who performed the Chinese Lion Dance to much drum beating and Cymbal playing which thrilled the crowd. The day was finished off with some Chinese Dragons parading around the hall much to the joy of the audience who all got very involved in the celebrations. |
Whittlesea U3A Congratulates the Whittlesea Chinese Association for putting on such a specular event for the residents of the City Of Whittlesea! |
Joe Felice
President-Whittlesea U3A Inc.