Enrolments 2020 FAQ

Enrolment process details – click here

I am a current member so do I need to re-enrol?

Yes, at the end of 2019 all members are reset in our Membership System and all members need to re-enrol

Do I retain my previous membership number?

Yes, you retain your member number forever. Even if you have previously been a member and not re-enrolled for a year or more your member number is retained for you when you return

When can I enrol?

We prefer you enrol between 10am Thursday 5 December till 4:00pm to Tuesday 10 December 2019. We encourage early enrolment as there is a higher chance your course could be Full after this period is closed

How can I enrol?

Enrolments can be performed either “Online” or “Not Online”

How do I enrol online?

Online enrolments can be performed via our website https://whittleseau3a.org.au/memberships/ and clicking Login or re-enrol. Then, use your member number and password login to the membership system. Additional instructions are on the https://whittleseau3a.org.au/memberships/ webpage

How can I enrol “Not Online”?

A couple of options –

  1. Visit the Whittlesea U3A Office (2b May Road, Lalor) during the enrolment period between 10am 5 December and 4:00pm Thursday 10 December 2019 during designated times – refer table below
  2. Send your enrolment form including cheque to Whittlesea U3A, PO Box 1157, Lalor, 3075

What are the subscriptions for 2020?

Full Member $50
Associate $30 (member of another U3A – please confirm the primary U3A where you are a Full Member)

How will we manage courses that are expected to be oversubscribed?

A few courses will initially have all enrolling members Wait listed. These courses are those that are expected to be oversubscribed. Members will be advised if they are accepted into these courses

Will I be automatically enrolled in courses/activities?

Apart from those Wait Listed above, most members are expected to be accepted into courses at enrolment time

How will I be advised if I am accepted into a course in which I have been Wait Listed?

Late January 2020, members will be advised on courses in which they have been accepted. This notification will be sent along with a Newsletter and Name badges

Do I receive a new name badge?

Yes, a new 2020 name badge will be sent late January. Note, your Member Number will not change. Please retain your lanyard and plastic pouch for this new badge

Can I confirm online courses in which I am enrolled?

Yes, by logging into the membership system you can view the current course status. Note that course finalisation may not be complete till late January 2020

Why is the membership system planned to be off line for certain periods?

The Membership System will be off line for the following periods

3 December to 5 December – to backup 2019 info and rollover to 2020 membership

11 December 4pm till 13 December – Course Coordinators to finalise allocation of members to classes

What is the Volunteer area information for?

As U3A is reliant on volunteers we request members to indicate areas where they may be able to help in areas such as Office Duties, General Duties, Activity/Course Leader, Photography/Video Recording, etc. Although this area is entirely optional we encourage members to offer their services

Can I include more than one emergency contact?

We request a single emergency contact only

Who can I contact if I have a query?

Call the Whittlesea U3A Office on 9464 1339 during office hours or leave a message, or

Leave a message on the website “Information Desk” on the website

Contact the Membership Coordinator/Systems Administrator email – membership@whittleseau3a.org.au

Enrolment Hours / Venues

Senior Citizens Centre:
2b May Road, Lalor (behind Lalor Library)
Thursday 6 December 10:00am to 4:00pm
Tuesday 10 December 1:30pm to 4:30pm

Whittlesea Community Activity Centre:
57-61 Laurel St Whittlesea
Monday 9 December 1.00pm to 3:30pm