Member Communications

Do you have an email address but do not use it regularly? Do you not have an email address?

Maybe you could consider whether a family member or friend could receive emails on your behalf and inform you of the message or print the Newsletter. If so, please let us know and we can update your membership record.

1389356290364If you do not have an internet connection at home you could go to any of the libraries in the Yarra Plenty Regional Library area and use their computers. These libraries are in Lalor, Thomastown, Mill Park, Whittlesea or Watsonia where if you are a member, you can read and/or print out our Newsletter. It costs nothing to join the library and there are so many benefits in doing so.

In regard the Newsletter the cost to us is increasing notwithstanding the volunteer time and effort to have the newsletter printed, placed in envelopes, pay the postage and undertake the mailing. Besides which, by the time the information reached you it could be out of date.

Our Newsletters are available from our website and you can read not only the current newsletter but prior copies as well.

If you are an email novice or would like to create an email account please let our Course Coordinators know and we may be able to develop some small classes to focus only on email. Course Coordinators can be contacted at the Office on 9464 1339.