New Class – Computer and Android Phone Help

I would like to inform you that a new class has been set out to help members with anything relating to technology (Computers, Tablets or Android Phones). Please find all details below:

NEW CLASSComputer and Android Phone Help

PLACE:       Peter Lalor Campus

                    34 Robert Street (opp Ryder Street)
                    Lalor, Vic, 3075

WHEN:        Every Thursday from 9:15am to 12:30pm

Tutor:          Shaun O’ Brien

The purpose of the class is to provide members with an opportunity in learning the better use of a Laptop Computer, Tablet and an Android phone.

The Tutor will provide “hands on” support to assist members to overcome problems experienced with the use of their devices.

Bring your own Laptop, Tablet or Android phone. All phones except the iPhones are Android.

Drop in for assistance to learn how to find a solution to any problem, to install software and how to use your devices.

The help program has been developed to accommodate members who face small issues.

 Attend a short time, have a cup of coffee and enjoy the communal room while you wait.

No need to make an appointment. 


Afroditi Toso

Program Coordinator

Peter Lalor Campus,

34 Roberts Street,
Lalor, Vic, 3075

Office 9464 1339 (Leave a message)

OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday 12.00pm – 4.00pm      Thursday 10.00am – 4.00pm
