We will be holding our 2021 Annual General Meeting at 2:00 pm on Thursday 19th August 2020 at Epping RSL. Home Harvest Road Epping. Should a lockdown occur or restrictions do not allow for a face-to-face meeting a ZOOM meeting will be organised.
Reports on the activities of Whittlesea U3A Inc. for the financial year to 30th June 2021 will be presented to the meeting.
A SPECIAL RESOLUTION to amend Rule 44 Composition of Committee in the WHITTLESEA U3A RULES OF ASSOCIATION to include the position of a Vice-President 2 to enable a leadership succession plan for Whittlesea U3A to be implemented. The Special Resolution to be considered at the Annual General Meeting is attached.
This will be followed by the striking of subscriptions and the size of the Committee of Management for the following year. The election of the Committee of Management will then be held.
All Committee positions will be declared vacant and are open to any financial member to be nominated. If you are interested in standing for office and becoming a member of the Whittlesea U3A Committee of Management, please feel free to discuss the various committee roles with the relevant current Committee member and put your name forward.
Nominations will be required for the following positions:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- General Members
All nominations are to be made using the attached form and must be received preferably via email by the Secretary by the close of business (4:00pm) Thursday 12th August 2021.
A Proxy Authorisation Form is also attached. This can be used if you are unable to attend the meeting and would like one of the members listed to vote on your behalf. There is space on the form where you can indicate what your wishes are. If you wish to use this form please complete it and return it preferably via email to the Secretary by the close of business (4:00pm) Thursday 12th August 2021.
Due to COVID restrictions on venues and catering it is essential that we have a clear indications as to the number of people attending. If you wish to attend the meeting could you please R.S.V.P. by replying to this email no later than Monday 12th August 2021.
If you need assistance with any of these forms or are unable to download them/fill them out online please contact Natalie Lim on 0412230561 or email her on communication@whittleseau3a.org.au and she will be able to assist you.