Trivia Christmas break ups

On the 30th of November we had our annual Trivia breakup with 50 members attending the night consisting of: fun, laughter, and a lot of food, and some members were given attendance awards with everyone waiting to see who the outright winner was.

The 1st prize went to Elaine Bateman,






2nd to Jodie and David Lang







and 3rd Audrey Trippett, and up to the 10th place winners were given certificates.


As a bonus on the night it was also Our Presidents Birthday which we celebrated it with a Passionfruit Sponge and a song and video of Marilyn Monroe singing

“Happy Birthday Mr President” and at the end of the night everyone received a gift.

 On the whole it was a great night we all had fun, I would also like to thank all of my helpers on the day without them our night Trivia night would not have been a success