Update for June 3rd Morning Tea

It’s imperative to keep the lines of communication open with all our members, informing them of what is happening. Over the weekend this line seemed to have been broken; members are not checking their emails or going onto the web site. Due to structural damage in Epping Memorial Hall, we had to change the venue for June 3rd morning tea. Consequently, the attendance number was down. Here is an update what eventuated.

Quang Huynh and Phil Edwards were our guest speakers from ‘The Sons of the West’. To tell you more about this allow our own Professor Bear to give you his opinion.

Hello everybody. Wasn’t it exciting news at the June’s Monday morning tea? Sons of the West is a Western Bulldogs community health initiative that is about supporting men living and working in Melbourne’s western suburbs to lead healthier lives. The Sons of the West in the North are back for another Men’s Health program starting on July 24, 18.30, to 20.30 hours (that 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM for those who don’t know a 24 hour time system) and going for 10 weeks. During those 10 weeks, men of all ages will talk about and be informed about topics that include inter-personal relationships and social behavior, physical health with a focus on cancer and in particular prostate cancer, mental health, nutrition, social attitudes, and domestic violence and substance use and abuse. The focus on prostate cancer is driven by the Whitten Foundation set up to help men with this problem and who is a sponsor of the program. After the discussion part of the evening, it will be time to get active. Professional physical trainers will be there to take the attendees through an initial fitness assessment and then over the following weeks teach them a series of exercises to make them trim, taut, and terrific. 

So who should attend you ask?  Well, if you are male then you are welcome.  It is not just for old blokes but for young and middle age blokes, in fact, it is for men and it is worthwhile. But Ladies, don’t despair, plans are in place to run a Daughters of the West in the North later on this year. A similar program but focused on women. They won’t be talking about prostate cancer but maybe other bits that are of a concern for the ladies.   Here is the link for more information.


Thank you, boys, you do a great job”.

Glen spoke about the facilities at Peter Lalor College. A formal application to install portable toilets has been submitted with the support of Council and confirmation from the Government that the Whittlesea U3A usage of the facility is compliant with Government Policy. Targeting installation for commencement is during the third term. (fingers crossed). The car parking issue is with the Education Department for approval again with Council support. We can only wait and hope…

Gordon Dennis spoke about the WhittleseaU3A cups are available for sale at the office, every morning tea and from Gordon himself at a cost of $8.oo each. Lilian Kwiatkowski stepped up to inform everyone of a new competition that is running every month. This entails a member’s number being picked at random and will be put on the website one week before morning tea. The number to whom this belongs to attends the morning tea to collect their prize – a WhittleseaU3A cup – if the member doesn’t turn up, it is then called out for the people attending the morning tea. Check the newsletter for more information.

Sue Meers encouraged people to join the June 19th excursion to Shepparton as there are still seats available and we need to fill the bus.


A sale of raffle tickets has been active during the meeting. To date from Term 1 and Term 2 combined, there have been 621 items knitted by the knitters’ group. People have also donated their knitting to them for Alana and Madeline Foundation charity. The group has been on a mission to knit purple beanies for KOGO, to go to children who have been bullied. This mission is in conjunction with this charity, who then add a beanie to a bag and distribute them to the children. Over 100 of these coloured beanies have done. Monies received will go towards the purchase of more wool.

The Knitters Group raised $203.00 from the raffle we held had.

The prizes are as follows

1st prize went to a non-WU3A member.  Joan Giles

2nd prize went to Beth Pearce

3rd prize went to Helen Spence

Also, a lady from the Austin Hospital called Debra got in contact with Val Marlow. She asked if we could knit squares with a knitted handle on top. They are then returned to Debra who then sews buttons and ribbons on them to pass onto Dementia patients who come for their appointment at the hospital. They then take them home. So far, the group has knitted over 60 of these.








Expression of Interest for new classes and tutors – Traditional Chinese bookbinding