Walk through Bethlehem

Walk Through Bethlehem produced by Virgilio Marciano

This event, originating in Italy, and tells the story of the birth of Jesus. It is a replica of Bethlehem at the time, over 2000 years ago, when Jesus was born in a stable. Originally staged at St. Mary’s in Thornbury by Mr. Marciano with great support from the school community led by the school’s principal Mr. Lou Godfrey, it is revived at St. Peter’s, Epping. The event will be staged in partnership with the school and entry will be by a gold coin donation.

If you have never been to this event, this is your year. It is bigger than ever.  Walk Through Bethlehem provides visitors with the unique opportunity to engage with life as it was 2000 years ago. Moving into its third year at St Peter’s Epping, this event continues to attract people from all over Melbourne and interstate and is broadcast on the major television and radio stations at prime time. In December 2017, St. Peter’s will once again re-create the city of Bethlehem and we are anticipating that as always tens of thousands of people from far and wide will walk through our mini-city to view real people re-enacting different aspects of daily life as it was at the time of the birth of Jesus Christ.

A Walk-Through Bethlehem is a living display of life in a small town at the time of the birth of Jesus. Bethlehem, in Epping will be populated by spinners, weavers, blacksmiths, carpenters, potters, bakers and people of other ancient crafts and trades. There are all types of domestic and farm animals tended by a large number of enthusiastic, young shepherds. As in Jesus’ time, the Romans are ever-present. Streets are patrolled by Centurions and guards watch over the palace of King Herod. The Three Kings from the East are there with their camels and gifts. The focal point of the production is the stable, in which Mary and Joseph await the arrival of their baby Jesus

The production of Walk Through Bethlehem has three main objectives –

  1. To offer Melbourne families a Christmas experience based on the true meaning of Christmas;
  2. To involve families in the area in a true Community event; and
  3. To spread the Christmas message of joy, peace and goodwill to all.

The true message of Christmas is at the heart of this spectacular event.