Dear community leader
Help us reach 10,000 signatures.
We need your help to support the campaign to reduce harmful poker machines. We are calling for:
– Fewer poker machines
– Reduced operating hours at poker machine venues
– ‘Con-free’ poker machines
City of Whittlesea residents are losing $293,000 to pokies EVERY DAY! Poker machines are rigged. They are a con – designed to addict and for the player to lose. Pokie addiction is linked to high levels of mortgage stress, family violence, crime and family breakdown. It affects the whole community.
– Reduced operating hours at poker machine venues
– ‘Con-free’ poker machines
City of Whittlesea residents are losing $293,000 to pokies EVERY DAY! Poker machines are rigged. They are a con – designed to addict and for the player to lose. Pokie addiction is linked to high levels of mortgage stress, family violence, crime and family breakdown. It affects the whole community.
Take action at
After you have signed the petition, please forward this email on to your networks so they too can support this worthwhile campaign.