You may be aware from our latest magazine and the February morning tea that we have now published our Writers Group collection of works – ‘Throwing Caution to the Wind’. Containing In excess of fifty pieces of writing from twelve members.
The book includes short stories, memoirs, poetry and much much more. The class members have received quite a buzz in publishing their anthology and it really drives home the achievements of us all as a team and a group of individuals with varied talents.
The group is thrilled that so many members and friends have shown interest in the anthology so much so that we needed to order extra copies and some of you may have missed out.
We have just received a new shipment and if you are interested in acquiring a copy at $10, almost have the price of Amazon, please call the office on 03 9464 1339 or 0404 119 189 from Thursday 13th February to order a copy.
If you would like to know more about the book or WU3A Writing Group class and its activities please call Bryan McNally on 0419 585 894