Winning Walking Football team (Special edition)

Winners_edited-1This post is dedicated to the winning Walking Football Team.

Here they are at the medal and trophy presentation/closing ceremony.

The team members are;

Michael Murray, Domenic Marino, Sam Cusimano, Mary Ann Lim, Mark Finlayson, Angela petrucci and Gerry Fay. Angela and Gerry who kindly stepped in to make up the team numbers.

Mark Finlayson also picked up a silver medal for Table Tennis. Elain Hamlet picked up a silver for the mini golf.

A big thank you thank you to the U3A volunteers;- Mary, Joe, Maggie, Ian, Anne, Peter, Domenic, Sam, Michael etc.,from Michael (Mick) Murray who is the Division Operations Officer for the Inner North East Metro Melb – Australian Red Cross,