WOTZON Week Commencing 29 January 2023 

Welcome to 2023.

Well, the year is about to start and there are lots of classes to choose from in our calendar. I have highlighted some of these this week and hope to continue this for the next few editions.

You will also notice that there is a notice about an expression of interest regarding a proposed water aerobics session at either Mill Park Leisure Centre or TRAC. I have been trying to organise this with the venues as a result of the large number of inquiries from members. Please contact either myself or the office if you are interested so that I will know whether the program will be successful and it is something that members want.

Refer to the WOTZON for more information.

WOTZON No 2 2023 – click here

Natalie Lim
Communications Manager/Class Coordinator
Whittlesea U3A Inc.
P.O.Box 1157
Lalor, VIC, 3075

0412 230 561
Email: communication@whittleseau3a.org.au