Photo Galleries

Successful market day -31st August 2019

With the combined forces of Lalor & District Mens’ Shed, Whittlesea U3A and the Community Garden, the Market Day was a success. There were lots of handicrafts on display which could be bought. The Mens’ Shed organised the sausage sizzle while Whittlesea U3A organised Devonshire Tea. During the day, there were demonstrations of Tai Chi […]


Social 14th July

Lillian Madden and Elaine Bateman had their second Line Dancing social on Sunday 14th July. Professor Bear was one of the Guests. The introduction was from Lillian Madden and the Tap Cats were sensational. High fives all-round the stage at the finish of our routine then we all took a bow and took in all […]


Update for June 3rd Morning Tea

It’s imperative to keep the lines of communication open with all our members, informing them of what is happening. Over the weekend this line seemed to have been broken; members are not checking their emails or going onto the web site. Due to structural damage in Epping Memorial Hall, we had to change the venue […]