As part of the Whittlesea 2040 project, we are creating a time capsule to capture the communities’ messages and visions for the future. We are encouraging local groups and clubs to participate in the project by submitting a piece or pieces for the time capsule. We are asking, what you love about your local area and what your hopes for the future. Submissions could include:
- A letter, poem or story
- A drawing, painting, illustration or other artistic pieces
Additionally, the submissions could provide a description of the group or club and why and where they meet.
The submissions will be placed in a unique box and put on display at the Council’s Civic Centre to be opened in the year 2040. Additionally, groups that enter their submissions will be invited to attend the launch of the Whittlesea 2040 project in October 2018, where all submission will be on display.
Submission Form – Time Capsule
Submissions need to work within the following requirements:
- Be submitted in either hard copy, PDF or JPEG file formats in either portrait or landscape (A4 size preferred)
- Electronically submitted entries must be of high resolution (300dpi)
- All individuals who submit a piece of work must complete the contact details and permissions form on the back of the template – provided as an attachment
Be submitted to the City of Whittlesea’s Whittlesea 2040 Project Team
no later than the 14th of August 2018.
Three-dimensional hard copy pieces will be photographed by the City of Whittlesea Staff if required. Additionally, a drop off box will be located at the Civic Centre Customer Service Desk for all Hard Copy submissions which cannot be electronically entered by the creator.
Reply Paid Postage envelopes will be provided for clubs or groups if required.
If you or your group or club would like to be involved in the time capsule project and become part of history, please contact the Whittlesea 2040 team.
Emerald Thompson or 92172587
Send: Electronic or scanned submissions to
Post: Hard copy submissions to Locked Bag 1, Bundoora MDC, 3083.
Deliver: Submissions to Civic Centre Customer Service Counter, 25 Ferres Boulevard, South Morang